Tatama Coffee
Tatama Coffee is an independent single origin coffee producer, from the family farm in Colombia and distributed across the UK from a now Macclesfield resident and by my good friend and founder of Tatama Coffee, Henry Gomez.

On a personal note this is something that has been discussed for a considerable time and I'm delighted to be working with Henry to help get his amazing coffee across the UK.

Here's a few words of the origins of Tatama Coffee and the background from Henry himself.
"This project started with my desire to support the coffee producing community from my birth town Santuario, Risaralda in Colombia.
I am a third generation coffee producer, and I feel proud of still having the small farm where my three brothers and I were born. We are still producing coffee and endeavouring to improve processes and quality and produce speciality coffee and make the farm sustainable, as cultivating coffee for the Commercial market farmers just about cover the cost of production.
I bring quality coffee from my region to your cup, aiming to benefit the farmers by buying directly and paying a premium for their carefully produce, picked and process coffee. And by guaranteeing a more than Fair Trade price making coffee production sustainable and profitable.

I also commit to support them after selling their Microlote by developing better environment friendly processing mills in their farms, this will enable them to produce even better coffee and add value to their product.
At the moment we are bringing small microlotes and marketing them as small roasted coffee bags this give as the opportunity to showcase the coffee and also to make a name for the single farmer as people get to know their product and traceability from farm to cup.
This coffee is carefully roasted by Ancoats Coffee Roasters in Manchester. They have been giving me a lot of support and with their great experience as a speciality coffee roaster they help me developing the roasting profile in order to get the best out of it.
As I look at the future I will continue despite the difficulties to make a name for these farmers and also my family farm in the speciality coffee scene, aiming to get these farmers and small roasters in the UK connected and hopefully a commitment from both parties where quality, price, trust and traceability will make a more fare way of purchasing green coffee.
Single Origin Coffee.
This coffee is classified as coffee grown with a single known geographic origin, and we are so proud to have a great relationship (most of them my childhood friends) with our farmers and because of that we can go a step further and be able to trace the coffee lot to the farm, exact altitude, varietal, and the exact area in the farm.

In our effort to make coffee Production more sustainable we promote and help our farmers to look after the environment by using organic fertilizers, chemical free pest control and avoid the use of herbicides in the day to day running of their farms.
We also work with them in water management in the coffee process by minimising the amount of water used and more importantly the purification of it before it goes back to water streams.
Helping the farmer.
As we have a one to one relationship and by buying directly from them we are able to pay a premium price (sometimes higher that Fair Trade) avoiding intermediaries and high fees to use a label, and most importantly making coffee production sustainable.

By paying higher prices we also benefit the seasonal coffee pickers (as the coffee is paid per Kilo picked) to produce speciality coffee there must be a good selection of the berries and therefore our farmers will pay a better price per kilo picked. "
Click here to order Tatama Single Origin Colombian Coffee delivered to your door