Update, Plan and Next Up

Review of the last brew

I’m back and have just finished bottling the cider made in the last post (which can be found here). 

While it isn’t fully ready to drink yet I couldn’t help myself and had a little sample. As for the results, well it’s better than I expected not the best cider ever but certainly enjoyable and very drinkable.


Along with keeping everything clean and tidy, planning is right up there with the most important things to do. So over the next few weeks and months I'm going to be making and documenting some progressively more complicated home brews.

Starting off with some basic kits and progressing to more complicated and truly unique creations.

Whats Next 

Next up I intend to be making a rather simple lager with as little equipment as possible which I'll try to keep doing going forwards. So expect a lot of random household items, general cooking equipment and possible even power tools in  the future.

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